Agnieszka's presentation - teachers meeting

27.05.2020 - Rada Pedagogiczna prowadzona w trybie zdalnym. Szkolenie dla naszych nauczycieli poprowadziła Pani Agnieszka, pierwszy uczestnik mobilności. Dowiedzieliśmy się jakie są zasady wnioskowania o dofinansowanie projektów w ramach akcji ka1. 

Time for some famous English humour .....

An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman are driving through the desert when their car breaks down. So they have to get out.

The Englishman takes a bottle of wine with him, the Scotsman takes an umbrella and the Irishman takes a car door.

On the way they meet this old bastard. He says to the Englishman "I know why you've got the wine so you can have a drink when you're thirsty", He says to the Scotsman "I know why you've got the umbrella to keep the sun off you", "but" he says to the Irishman "Why have you got the car door?" and the Irishman replies "If I get hot I can wind the window down!"


An Irishman, an Englishman and a Scotsman go into a pub. Each orders a pint of Guinness. Just as the bartender hands them over, three flies buzz down and land-- one, two, three-- in each of the pints. The Englishman looks disgusted, pushes his pint away and demands another... the Scotsman picks out the fly, shrugs, and takes a long swallow. The Irishman reaches in to the glass, grabs the fly between his fingers and shakes him as hard as he can, shouting 'Spit it out, ya bloody bastard! Spit it out!


A sobbing Ms Murphy approaches Fr O’Grady after mass.

He says: “So what’s bothering you?”

She replies: “Oh, Father, I’ve terrible news. My husband passed away last night.”

The priest says: “Oh, Mary, that’s terrible. Did he have any last requests?”

"Certainly father," she replied. “He said: “Please Mary, put down that damn gun.”


Dr O'Mahony tells his patient: "I have bad news and worse news, John."

"Oh dear," John replies. "What's the bad news?" asks the patient.

The doctor replies: "You only have 24 hours to live."

"That's terrible," says the patient. "How can the news possibly be worse?"

Dr O'Mahony replies: "I've been trying to contact you since yesterday."


20th February - teachers' meeting - planning for the summer mobilities

  1. Przedstawienie możliwości rezerwacji kursów: Inclusive Education for All IPC, CLIL - an introduction, CLIL and ITC tools IPC, ETI; (cennik, możliwości wyboru zakwaterowania) 

  2. Przedstawienie dokładnego budżetu przypadającego na uczestnika

  3. Przedstawienie obowiązków uczestników wynikających z programu

  4. Przedstawienie możliwości dotarcia na kursy. 

  5. Zasady raportowania - Mobility tool, promocja projektu, prezentacje po mobilności.

  6. Zasady kontaktu z koordynatorem

  7. Kontakty do jednostek w sytuacjach awaryjnych

  8. Przekazanie Information Pack

  9. Dokumenty po kursie (certyfikat, Europass - CV dokument Europass - Mobilność) - zasady przygotowana certyfikatów

Justyna's experience - Exeter 2019

From 12 to 23 August 2019 I took part in the Erasmus course in Exeter, UK. The course entitled  ‘Britain in the 21st century’ was held in the International Projects Centre based  in Colleton Crescent, a beautiful 1800s building overlooking Exeter quayside. During the course, I lived with a homestay host in the suburbs of Exeter. I chose this type of accommodation in order to see English culture from the inside and practise the language in real life situations. Thanks to the course I refreshed my English and gained greater knowledge about modern Britain. I particularly enjoyed classes related to language trends and change (e.g. Cockney Rhyming Slang), the Royal Family and Society. Classes were mostly conducted as workshops, so I could actively participate in them and involve all my skills i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Undoubtedly, I became more interculturally aware through meeting colleagues from other countries (Austria, Italy, Hungary, Canada, the Czech Republic) as well as being in the United Kingdom. I explored the British education system and the matter of inclusive education. As the course comprised classroom tuition and guided excursions, I explored the local area during the four trips: a walking tour of the historic city centre including a visit to the Exeter Cathedral, half-day trips to Sidmouth (on the Jurassic Coast) and Dartmoor, and finally a full-day trip to North Cornwall, where we visited Tintagel Castle and Boscastle. The guide that accompanied us had such an exquisite sense of humour that we kept smiling despite the unpredictable weather. Participation in the Erasmus project was an unforgettable adventure that enriched my live in terms of professional, social, and travelling experience.

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